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San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

The Last Edition - Newsstand

(The next location shot lasts for less than two seconds but there’s enough in it to justify a dedicated post… read on… )

Tom, mortified by the Chronicle’s front page exposé of the bribery arrest of his son, tries to stop the presses but he’s knocked to the ground in a tussle with his boss.


Then … He imagines a busy downtown street, seen here through the doorway of a corner store as a cable car passes by. Lots of people are walking past a newsstand and in his mind’s eye he sees them all snapping up the Chronicle’s scandalous last edition.

… and Now, here’s what a time traveler standing in that doorway would see today. The view looks east across Powell Street along O’Farrell to Stockton (at the Macy’s sign). A cable car passes by just as it did, above, one hundred years ago. CitySleuth is delighted that the old low-tech cable cars are still running. May they always.


This location was confirmed by identifying the two buildings on either side of Stockton circled in red and in blue, and by the sign circled in green…

… Here are contemporaneous vintage photos of those two buildings. On the left, circled in blue above, is D. Samuels Lace House Company (today replaced by Macy’s store). On the right, circled in red above, is the City Of Paris store with its huge rooftop sign, (today replaced by a retail/residential building). In 1925 when the movie was filmed the KFRC radio station (you did spot its vertical blade sign above, right?) was broadcasting from this store. (Note that the City Of Paris occupied the whole Stockton block from Geary to O’Farrell back then - the photo shows at far left an identical rooftop sign at Geary Street.

In the movie shot the sign partially legible in the green circle reads “… INTON …IA”; it’s part of the Clinton’s Cafeteria sign mid-block at 136 O’Farrell, listed below in the 1925 city directory.


Just in case more confirmatory proof is needed … note that this location was a street junction where cable car lines crossed as evidenced by the glimpse of another cable car down the road, circled in red…

A cable car map of the system as it was after the 1906 earthquake confirms that the California Street Cable Railroad ran along O’Farrell across Powell (circled in yellow). This map is fascinating; it shows how extensive the system used to be, extending west to Golden Gate Park in the Richmond and south to Noe Valley before being cut back to today’s 3 surviving lines.


But wait, there’s more … kudos to ReelSF reader Notcom for pointing out that the headlines of the newspapers on the stand precisely date when this scene was filmed…

Two different newspapers report the death of politician William Jennings Bryan … the date was Monday, July 27, 1925.


And finally, this ad in a newspaper dated April 11, 1925 tells us that the corner store from which the scene was filmed was the Lundstrom Hat Company store; they had opened up there, their 9th location, just 6 weeks prior. Thanks to the vicissitudes of fashion, there aren’t many of those stores around any more.


Here, photographed the year the movie was filmed, is the actual newsstand that was at the Stockton/O’Farrell street junction. The photo indicates it was at the northeast corner which is kitty-korner from the southwest corner location in the movie shot but who knows, perhaps it was moved there during filming.


Enraged, Tom grabs a spanner intending as it were to throw it in the works.


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