Reel SF

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

One On Top Of The Other - Monica Is Questioned

Then … The insurance investigator handling the death of Susan Dumurrier looks up at his office building on his way to deliver his report to his superiors.

… and Now, he’s on Sansome Street with Pine Street crossing behind him. Today’s matching view 52 years later is the same.


Then … As he walks in, the camera pans up to the building’s name - the Royal Insurance Building at 201 Sansome Street in the Financial District (map).

… and Now, the matching view is unchanged in appearance but the sidewalk clock is gone.

… and Now, the 11 story 1907 landmark office building was converted into 46 luxury condominium units in 2006, renamed The Royal.


The investigator presents photos of Susan and Monica and reports that George has become, shall we say, involved with Monica. Suspecting that they are one and the same woman and that Susan is still alive, they decide to turn the case over to the police.


Then … Monica is picked up for questioning; the patrol car is seen here pulling up to a nearby police station.

… and Now, but this isn’t San Francisco - it’s South San Francisco, a separate city just, well, south of San Francisco. This view looks south along Maple Avenue; the building on the left with the sign is the Caledonian Club of San Francisco at 312 Maple - it’s still there today, with a modified sign.


Then … The detective pushes Monica up the steps to the station. Note the insignia on the side of the police car - SSF Police. This is what prompted CitySleuth to search in South San Francisco.

… and Now, the building is still there, at 315 Maple Avenue, but is now used by the city as a departmental annex. It was the city’s only police station when the movie was filmed until the PD moved to another building, 33 Arroyo Drive, in 1981. An even newer station at 900 Antoinette Lane is scheduled to be ready by the end of this year.


Then … Looking to the left across the street from the steps there’s another view of the Caledonian Club on the east side of the 300 block of Maple Ave.

… and Now, the railings on the steps have been upgraded and that’s about it.


Inside the station the police investigator assigned to the case, Inspector Wald (Canadian actor John Ireland, on the left), tries to figure out Monica’s role in the mystery.

A search of her apartment uncovers a hieroglyphic-like ink blotter. A hand-writing specialist (director Lucio Fulci in a cameo role) discerns clear evidence of her having practiced writing Susan Dumurrier’s signature.


To help sort out the confusion over the Monica/Susan identities the police decide to exhume the body of Susan Dumurrier. Director Fulci would, with subsequent movies, go on to make a major contribution to the horror movie genre but his only nod in that direction in this movie was this brief shot of the corpse. When Susan’s sister Martha identifies it as Susan and an autopsy determines she died by poisoning the police have George and Monica squarely in their sights in what is now a case of murder.


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