Reel SF

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

Vertigo - Cemetery

Then ...  Scottie pulls up behind Madeleine's Jaguar in front of Mission Dolores, on Dolores Street between 16th and 17th (map).  The Mission is the oldest building in San Francisco, dedicated in 1776 and completed in 1791.

... and Now,  the venerable structure hasn't changed over the last half century.


Then ...  He follows her into the old Mission church and sees her exiting at the far end into the cemetery at the back.

... and Now,  there are very few changes as one would expect at such a venerable, historic site.


Then ...  In the cemetery, Scottie finds Madeleine gazing at a gravestone.

... and Now,  from his viewpoint today we see that the rockery behind her (above) is no longer there.


Then ...  Behind the rockery, Scottie creeps nearer to get a better view - note the statue behind him ...

    Here's a contemporaneous postcard image taken before the rockery was removed.  The statue in the foreground is the one behind Scottie, above. 


Then ...  She spends several reverential moments in front of the gravestone.

... and Now,  the fictitious gravestone is nowhere to be found today but the obelisk in the background (now without the cross on top) and the cloaked statue further back remain in place.  The approximate location of Carlotta's gravestone in the movie is indicated in blue.


     She moves on and he makes a note of the name on the gravestone - Carlotta Valdes, born 1831, died 1857.  A reader has pointed out (see comments below) that in this closeup the side of the obelisk in the background  is a different one from that seen in the preceding shot.  He wonders if the obelisk has been reoriented but it's also possible that Carlotta's gravestone was moved for the closeup or, more likely, that the closeup was recreated in a studio (the obelisk text looks too pristine for being 120 years old).

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